The Top 5 Things Women Want to Know About BHRT There are a lot of myths about hormone replacement therapy… and some truths. The long and short of …
Doc Strong on the Vampire Facelift® Click here to go to the webpage for more information on the Vampire Facelift®
Everyone knows you are supposed to wear sunscreen, especially during the hotter months while you’re outside, but you may not understand why it is important to protect your skin …
What is Urinary Stress Incontinence? Urinary stress incontinence is any involuntary loss of urine affecting hygiene or interfering with activities (exercise, work, sexual relationships). It is more common than …
Thinning hair can have devastating results in both men and women that includes depression, anxiety and avoidant tendencies. And worrying about your hair can worsen the problem. Stress and …
I recently treated a patient who did not have “erectile dysfunction” with shockwave therapy using the erectile dysfunction protocol. During the explanation of the therapy and throughout the treatment …
If you think that getting fit or exercising regularly takes up a lot of time and scheduling, think again! Here is an excuse-busting list of workouts or activities that …
It’s hard enough to keep up with healthy eating on normal days, but when you add in a holiday – especially one that is based on a Feast – it …
“Sleep is that golden chain that ties health and our bodies together” – Thomas Dekker (Elizabethan Dramatist – not the 29 yo “Terminator:Sarah Connor Chronicles” actor.) We know that …
Back in my General Internal Medicine training, we put every postmenopausal woman on hormone therapy. We put them on one pill and never checked hormone levels – BHRT never …