Urinary Stress Incontinence

What is Urinary Stress Incontinence?

Urinary stress incontinence is any involuntary loss of urine affecting hygiene or interfering with activities  (exercise, work, sexual relationships). It is more common than you think. It affects one in twenty women In their 20s and up to 50% of women in their 50s. Women suffering from urinary stress incontinence have a perceived lack of health. They avoid social gatherings and have a loss of self-confidence. This leads to stress, depression, sexual dysfunction, and shame.

Lifestyle modifications to improve urinary stress incontinence

  • Behavioral modifications include pelvic floor muscle exercises such as Kegel exercises. Decrease fluid consumption especially in the evening hours. Lifestyle changes like quitting smoking, losing weight, treating chronic cough that can worsen incontinence. Bladder training such as scheduled toileting can help too.
  • Since constipation can make urinary stress incontinence worse add fiber to your diet and keep up with water intake, but that’s a double edge sword.
  • Avoiding trigger foods and beverages like coffee, tea, soda and, unfortunately, chocolate.
  • Stock up on supplies. Have a change of clothes, extra pads, and cleansing supplies handy.
  • Scout out destinations. Know where the restrooms are located.
  • Take good care of your skin. Chronic wetness on your skin can lead to irritation and skin breakdown
  • Sexuality and incontinence. Talk to your partner. Make sure you empty your bladder before sex. If a certain position is problematic be creative experiment with different positions. Do Kegle exercises as mentioned above. Have towels and disposable pads handy.

Medication’s for urinary stress incontinence

FDA approved medication for urinary stress incontinence do not exist. But some medication used off label do show promise.

  • Duloxetine (Cymbalta) is approved in Europe for treatment of urinary stress incontinence and can be somewhat effective. The major side effect that causes people to stop the medication is nausea.
  • Anti-cholinergics such as Oxybutinin have been used in the treatment of urinary stress incontinence. Side effects can include constipation, dizziness, and sleepiness. And there is good evidence coming out that long-term use can increase the risk of dementia.

Devices for urinary stress incontinence

  • Vaginal pessaries – a vaginal pessary is a soft, removable device that goes in your vagina. It supports areas affected by pelvic organ prolapse. There are different types of pessaries. Some are types that you can remove and clean on your own and others need to be removed and cleaned by your doctor in the office every 1 to 3 months.
  • Urethral inserts – used only in specific activities like repeated lifting, running, or playing tennis.

Surgery for urinary stress incontinence

  • Mid-urethral sling procedure – This is the most common procedure. It uses your own tissue or mesh to put traction on the urethra. Side effects can include pain, mesh extrusion, urinary retention, urinary tract infections, and deterioration of sexual function
  • Injection of artificial bulking agents – this option is not used commonly. It is an option for those unwilling or unable to undergo a surgical procedure. But there are better more promising options with regard to injections.

Platelet rich plasma injections also known as the O-Shot®

In 2011 Dr. Charles Runels performed the very first vaginal platelet rich plasma (PRP) injection. Dr. Runels intended the procedure to tighten the vagina, and increase sexuality and orgasms. To his surprise, the procedure, later to be named the patented O-Shot® technique, had an interesting side effect of treating urinary stress incontinence, among other things. In both published studies and discussion with Dr. Runels and his providers about 80% of women have complete resolution of their incontinence symptomatolgy. And the beautiful part about PRP is that in the thousands of published studies and reports on PRP there has never been a documented major complication due to the PRP.

I’ve been to a number of courses claiming to teach the O-Shot® technique, but I had not had the outcomes I’ve desired. This led me to flying down to Fairhope, AL, home of Dr. Runels, and spending two days learning directly from the inventor of the O-Shot®. I quickly learned what I was doing incorrectly. This is why it is important to have the procedure performed by a provider listed on his website, Oshot.info.

After the O-Shot® procedure some women get immediate relief of their symptoms, but more likely you would start seeing benefits in about 3 weeks with the maximum benefits achieved in 3 months. Some women may need a second procedure performed.

What is PRP?

Using FDA cleared technology, we process your blood in the clinic to obtain plasma (the liquid part of your blood) that has a high concentration of platelets – hence the name platelet rich plasma. Packed full of growth factors, platelets heal and repair tissue. By injecting and activating the platelets in certain tissue we induce a cascade of events that lead to local inflammation, proliferation (making new tissue and blood supply), and maturation or remodeling (new collagen formation). All of this leads to healthier, more vibrant tissue in the area injected.

Potential side effects after getting the O-Shot® for urinary stress incontinence

  • Minor bleeding is common – you may need a pad for the first 24-48 hours
  • Greater arousal from clitoral stimulation
  • Younger, smoother skin of the vulva (lips of the vagina).
  • A tighter introitus (vaginal opening)
  • Stronger orgasm
  • More frequent orgasm
  • Increased sexual desire
  • Increased ability to have a vaginal orgasm
  • Decreased pain for those with dyspareunia (painful intercourse)
  • Increased natural lubrication

Ready to get started?

I truly hate when women feel trapped because of urinary stress incontinence. And I’m excited to have a treatment that is so simple AND effective. Please review the information on Oshot.info. Then call Rejeune MD at 262-373-0169 to schedule your assessment and procedure. Simple, right?  I look forward to meeting you and helping your body heal itself.

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